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Comment history with tokyo-rose


Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 comments

Why, you must have groovy taste then if you dig visual kei and jrock =D congragulations! ahaha Anyways, I was wondering if you would be kind enough to tell me how I can put backgrounds on my profile page? I've been trying for a while, but I just cant figure it out XD im as some would say, a noob!! I've never wacthed deathnote before, I heard it was really groovy though. After all, if the dude on your background looks that interesting, how could the show not be good!?!?

Posted by lilsnoopy on Aug 27, 07 11:28 pm

I love the Naruto animation on your page. x] I like J-rock and visual kei too! :)

Posted by tokyo-rose on Aug 27, 07 10:07 pm
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<3 meat

Dir En grey
Cleaver Sleazoid
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^^ This is how my battle normally goes except I bust out my laser cannon